Stunning print quality. Environmentally responsible practices.

Saving the planet, it’s not just a “flower Child’s” mantra anymore.

From Fortune 500 companies to private citizens, we are all taking on the health of the planet as if it were our personal responsibility… because it is.

Green makes good business sense. The responsibility for sustaining our world as a healthy environment for future generations rests with all of us. Our commitment to sustainability has been in place since green was just a color, we’ve been a leader in sustainability in the industry and it all started over 25 years ago when previous owner, Steve Brennan, had a vision to reduce the number of dumpster pickups per month. By implementing lean practices and recycling programs, we were able to slowly eliminate our trash and went from weekly dumpster picks ups to once a month.

We have made a commitment to purchase wind power equal to 100% of our energy used in order to offset our carbon footprint.

We use naturally soy-based inks, a renewable source that is naturally low in volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Our house stock is all recycled, our plate processing system is a state of the art, water based technology that produces little to no chemicals, resulting in substantial environmental savings in waste water treatment.

We are green sealed certified, have a comprehensive recycling program and are permitted yearly by the MWRA and EPA, and have found to consistently be in regulatory compliance.

Fowler has been a silent leader in the promotion of sustainability, if you’d like to learn more, please contact us.

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